Variables Scope in PHP

Variable scope in php

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In PHP, variables can have different scopes, and there are several types of variables based on their scope and behavior. The most common types are as given bellow.

Local Variables :

  • Local variables are declared inside a function and have local scope, meaning they are only accessible within that function.
  • They are not accessible from outside the function or in other functions.
  • Local variables are temporary and are destroyed when the function’s execution ends.
					function myFunction() {
    $localVar = "I am local";
    // $localVar is only accessible within myFunction

Global Variables :

  • Global variables are declared outside of any function and have global scope, meaning they are accessible from anywhere in the script, including inside functions.
  • To use a global variable inside a function, you need to use the global keyword to declare it as global within the function.
					function myFunction() {
    $localVar = "I am local";
    // $localVar is only accessible within myFunction

Static Variables :​

  • Static variables are local variables that retain their value between function calls.
  • They are declared with the static keyword inside a function and are initialized only once when the function is first called.
  • Static variables are useful when you want a variable to persist its value across multiple function calls.
					function counter() {
    static $count = 0;
    echo $count;
counter(); // Outputs: 1
counter(); // Outputs: 2


Superglobals :

  • Superglobals are predefined global arrays in PHP that are accessible from anywhere in the script without the need to declare them as global.
  • Some common superglobals include $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, $_COOKIE, $_SERVER, and $_GLOBALS.
  • They are typically used to retrieve information such as form data, server information, or session data.
					$username = $_POST['username'];

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